Yuval Levy schrieb am 30.11.10 15:50:
On November 30, 2010 09:42:41 am Carl von Einem wrote:
Hi Joachim,

here is my file. It is based on the older de.po, i.e. it doesn't contain
the latest correction by Thomas as of yesterday.

if you have both de.po files, you can visualize the difference between them
using diff.

if you want to solve conflicting translation, use a tool like vimdiff and go
line by line to choose which of the two conflicting versions to use.

Thanks for the hints, Yuv. I'll have a look at <http://code.google.com/p/macvim/>

Maybe I'm wrong but I think it's more or less what TextWrangler's "Find Differences" dialog does, I already tried that. The only "problem" with this approach is that poedit rearranges the order of the strings upon saving: new strings on top, then fuzzy ones, old ones last. So two files with a different status of translated strings will have a different sort order. Clicking on column titles doesn't work in poedit, and I found no menu command for this.

I really favour ascii files but for this special problem an xml based system might be helpful (just dreaming). It's not such a big problem though, we just need to compare about two dozen entries.

I only think about different approaches how we can work around this little ugly trap for translators. Something that mimiks a check out system but is so easy to use that we don't have another threshold for new contributors.


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