Hey JiHO

On 24.02.2011, at 01:31, JiHO wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a sequence of images that constitute a 180º panorama. For each
> image I shot a +2EV and -2EV variant using exposure bracketing. All
> images were shot with the same lens at the same focal length (~18mm),
> with AE lock so that the 0EV exposure always correspond to the same
> aperture/speed setting. Images were shot handheld and, even though the
> thee exposures were shot in burst mode, there are small misalignments
> within bracketed triplets and of course there are translations and
> rotations between triplets. Here is a downscaled sample of 9 of these
> images (3 x 3 exposures):
>       http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1047321/pano_images.zip
> Stitching the panorama of only the 0EV images works wonderfully
> through the assistant.
> To create an enfused panorama, I tried the technique described here:
>       http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tutorials/enfuse-360/en.shtml
> adapted to Hugin 2010.4.0, that I am using.


I've loaded the images from your zip-file above in a development version of 
hugin (2010.5.0.4854:d29b1d6da0e0 built by Harry van der Wolf) [1]. From your 
website I presume you're also using OS X (And work in an interesting field, if 
I look at the references in your BibDesk window :) )
I've just used the assistant (with cpfind), cleaned some control points (in the 
"Images" tab), pressed "Autocrop" in the fast preview window and let hugin 
calculate a fused (and for kicks a blended and fused) panorama.

The result (and the .pto-File) can be found here: 
There is some minor ghosting with the people moving, but no misalignment as you 
described. From what I guess, there must be a problem with some control points 
you placed manually. Did you try a clean, fresh start with your images? I don't 
think that the scaling down of your images prevents a problem from arising...

[1]: http://panorama.dyndns.org/index.php?lang=en&subject=Hugin&texttag=Hugin 
(Seems to be down for me at the moment!)

> Thanks very much in advance,
> JiHO

Hope this helps.

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