Personally I don't like the concept of dedicating a piece of software
or an OS project to anyone or anything at all.

I thought the Milko Amorth dedication was a one time action, because
he obviously meant a lot to a lot of community members, although I had
never heard of him before (but that might be my ignorance).

Therefore I would like to raise the question if we as OS community
would like to dedicate Hugin, both as software and as project, to
someone or something.
My vote is against it.
However, I like this to be a democratic decision by the community and
if the community is in favor for a dedication in hugin, I will easily
Currently it has been decided already for 2010.4, which is fine with
me, but do we want to continue with this?

So please let us know if you are against dedication in hugin or in
favor. And if you are in favor of it please mention your person/
subject/topic for dedication.


On 9 jan, 20:50, Yuval Levy <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to continue what started with 2010.4 and dedicate the next
> version of Hugin.  Hugin 2010.4 was dedicated to Milko Amorth, a VR pioneer
> that we lost last year.  The dedication does not have to be to a deceased
> person; nor to a person at all.  It also does not have to be strictly related
> with panoramas or Free Software.  Hugin could be dedicated to anybody or
> anything important enough for the community to care about.
> Nominations are herewith open and will stay open until the first beta release.
> Please add nominations to this thread with the following information:
> 1. Whom or what would you like to dedicate Hugin to
> 2. Why you would like to see Hugin dedicated to them
> 3. A dedication text
> 4. Optional: image(s) as attachment
> You can see the dedication to Milko Amorth in the "About" menu of 2010.4.0 for
> an idea of how it may look like, how much text space there is, how much image
> space there is.  Be creative with your proposals.
> Do not comment, discuss or vote on nominations here.  A voting facility will
> be set up and announced in due time.
> Looking forward for your nominations.
> Yuv
>  signature.asc
> < 1 KWeergevenDownloaden

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