Hi Kay,

you missed the point.

On 16 Mrz., 13:50, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 15 Mrz., 21:44, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > First, wxPython does currently only run with Python<=2.7. So I needed
> > to install Python 2.7 and test there.
> On Linux, it's running with 2.6. I wasn't aware of this Windows issue.

That's not a Windows only issue. This affects all OSs (also Linux).

> > This could also be a problem with some Linux distributions, as Lukas
> > already wrote, his disto (AFAIR ArchLinux) is already using Python 3.
> But I thought there isn't a problem using 3.0? You figured it out for
> Windows, and I can't see why it wouldn't run on 3.X under Linux, if
> that is what's installed there. Isn't cmake just picking watever the
> instaled version is and using the appropriate libraries?

Hugin scripting interface runs with Python 2.x and Python3.
But wxPython runs only with Python 2.x. There is no version of
wxPython for Python3.
So wxPython can currently not used with Python3.

> Since you have it all set up, could you do a quick test and change the
> definition of entry() to
> def entry ( pano , inside = False ) :
> This should run the script without importing or using wx, always
> removing the CPs from outside the ROI. If it works then, the problem
> is definitely with the wx code. If it still fails, there may be
> something else wrong.

This runs without problems.
So it's inside wx code.


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