kfj wrote:

On 18 Mrz., 08:11, Gnome Nomad <gnomeno...@gmail.com> wrote:

A great amount of patience? Running it under FluxBox, which consumes
only about 128MB of memory vs a couple meg for KDE. And not using 16-bit
images. And letting the little laptop grind away on it for 10 hours ... ;-)

I made mine from a series of frames I shot covering our trip into the
harbor at Victoria, Canada, (on a ferry). They covered 3-5 miles of

This doesn't really sound like a focus stack to me. Are we talking
about the same thing? I'm not talking about exposure blending with
enblend, but focus stacking with enfuse. I think focus stacks may need
more memory, because they have to look at the neighbourhood of all
pixels to determine the local contrast, which is used as a weighting
criterion. I know that I could have gone 8-bit but chose not to. And
of course I could have chopped the thing up into several smaller
partial images - there's always a way. Currently, it takes a lot of
finessing to do stuff like that, and that's one reason why I'm
developing the scripting interface. When I did the image I was talking
about, it didn't rerally take long, but it took massive amounts of
memory, and when I used larger source images, enfuse simply failed
with a bad alloc. I have an idea what I could have done on top of what
I did to manage with consuming less memory - alas, right now I can't
try it out because the AC adapter of my laptop gave up yesterday...

No, definitely not a focus stack. I'm sure doing things with focus stacks would use much more memory. I was just talking about producing a 750MB panorama.

I've done a couple of HDR images, I don't know if they consume memory at the rate of a focus stack.

Question: were you running the enfuse stage from command line? I don't remember if you said so. I had to do that once before I doubled the memory in the laptop.

Gnome Nomad
wandering the landscape of god

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