On 16 Mrz., 13:50, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 15 Mrz., 21:44, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> > ---------------------------
> > Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
> > ---------------------------
> > Runtime Error!
> > Program: C:\src_static\build_2010_2\INSTALL\FILES\bin\hugin.exe

> This does look suspiciously like what the README for the embedding
> example in the wxPython repo warns of. May I also point you to
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://svn.wxwidgets.org/viewvc/wx/w...
> and ask what you make of it? I take it that on Windows everything is
> linked statically (I don't really understand why, but anyway) - so
> maybe we can't use wxPython in plugins then? After all the plugin is
> still inside the same process and not a standalone program.

This issue remains unadressed. Let me quote from the README I was
linking to before:

1. The most important thing is that your wx application and wxPython
     must use the same version and the same instance of wxWidgets.
     means that you can not statically link your app with wxWidgets,
     must use a dynamic library for wxWidgets.

(end quote)

This seems to indicate to me that it's impossible to use wxPython with
hugin on Windows, since, if I understand it correctly, on Windows
wxWidgets is linked statically with hugin, as the run time error that
Thomas received on trying my plugin on Windows  indicates. So here is
my plea again: can anyone think of a way how Python should interact
with hugin? This isue is pressing, because:

- on Linux Python plugins can use wxPython, but only with Python <=
- on Windows wxPython won't work from Python plugins
- on Mac OS, the Python module isn't even running, but I hope it might
be linked dynamically

If GUI access can't be provided, I'd be grateful for ideas how to let
the user interact with plugins non-graphically. Can the main
application provide a console-like window which can be passed to the
plugin to do console-type i/o on? (like, print and read text) - with
such a mechanism, we'd have the GUI element provided by hugin and the
plugin could merely use appropriate write and read statements.


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