On 16 Mrz., 21:00, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Kay,
> you missed the point.
> That's not a Windows only issue. This affects all OSs (also Linux).
> Hugin scripting interface runs with Python 2.x and Python3.
> But wxPython runs only with Python 2.x. There is no version of
> wxPython for Python3.

I see. Well, it wasn't my idea, really - Bruno proposed it as
'obvious'. So I thought I'd give it a try. I wish you'd mentioned this
earlier. I could have saved myself reading up on wxPython for now...
Looks like we need to find a different mechanism to let the plugins
gather parameters, then?

> > Since you have it all set up, could you do a quick test and change the
> > definition of entry() to

> > def entry ( pano , inside = False ) : ....

> This runs without problems.
> So it's inside wx code.

Any ideas how to proceed?


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