Yclept Nemo kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika torstai, 7. 
huhtikuuta 2011):
> I just started a panoramic project involving 275 8GP full-size
> tiff images split across 25 stacks. The images amount to
> around 14GB. Since this is the first time I've used Hugin, I
> thought I'd document what I found confusing (correct my
> workflow) or broken (correct hugin):

Please specify the exact version of Hugin and the operating 
system you are using. Some idea about your hardware configuration 
(cpu/RAM) may also help. 

> Stuff I just don't understand:
> Two images from adjacent stacks have about 40 control points
> with a maximum distance of 2px. To the eye, the points looked
> perfectly aligned. However, Hugin decided to rotate the right
> image 180 degrees. Basically, the first four stacks were
> right-side up, the next four where upside-down, the next two
> where 90 degrees clockwise, etc despite perfect control point
> matches. I had to go to the image tab and reset the roll and
> pitch manually.

Are you optimizing for the field of view? Hugin will flip images if 
it thinks they cover more than 360 degrees and you don't allow it 
to change the FOV.

> Questions:
> . Is there any tool that can merge stacks into HDR without any
> alignment or other pre-processing?

Qtpfsgui/LuminanceHDR and various proprietary HDR programs.

> And can exposure fusion work with HDR images?

No, but you can manually enfuse your stacks first, then use them 
as input to Hugin.

> . Is it possible to configure control point creations on:
>     * all images
>     * only overlapping images

Select the images you want in the Images tab before clicking the 
"Create control points" button.

 Markku Kolkka

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