2011/4/6 Markku Kolkka <markku.kol...@iki.fi>

> > Questions:
> > . Is there any tool that can merge stacks into HDR without any
> > alignment or other pre-processing?
> Qtpfsgui/LuminanceHDR and various proprietary HDR programs.

I use FreeBSD and the HDR process I liked most is described here:


You can use only Enfuse to have a simpler result. I have made a shell and a
gimp script to automate the process. This way I make a test first, then make
any necessary adjust in the scripts and run it on several images at once.

A thumb of an example result (not finished yet):

It could probably be done on windows with some work. On windows I liked also
the FDRTools.

[ ]s, Carlos.

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