On Apr 7, 2011 6:15 PM, "Yclept Nemo" <orbisvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> RAW images are in linear color space so hugin would
> not have to reverse-calculate the response curve applied by
> ufraw/dcraw.

Is that generally true?  I don't know much about raw processing (or indeed
about image sensor electrical behaviour) , but I wouldn't have guessed that
light input -> raw pixel values would be necessarily or even typically

> And I have an additional question:
> I have a lightpost running vertically straight through the center
> section of an overlapping area between two images. There are 40
> control points scattered across these two images, and I am sure all
> control points are accurate. Furthermore each control point can be
> optimized to an error of less than 1px. So I am stumped as to why, in
> the stitched output, the lightpost is misaligned by at least 20px.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?

Well, if it were my panorama it would be because of parallax from
hand-holding the camera, but I'm assuming that you're using a calibrated
panorama head.

(And a much better lens: my 18-200mm Nikkor has enough variation in FoV due
to aperture and focus changes there I can't get a good fit when processing
image-stacked panoramas without optimizing (unlinked) v too.)


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