On 28 May 2011 19:40, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> Hello Hugin Developers,
> The addition of Python scripting functionality calls for a little bit more
> coordination to prevent API changes that may break scripting functionality.
> Moreover it is an opportunity to formalize a rule that has already been in
> place informally for strings/translations.
> I herewith request your opinion on adding the following two rules to the
> project's body of rules.  If there is no objection, I will add them to the
> appropriate place in a few weeks.
> Release branches are string-frozen.  Strings for translation are updated prior
> to branching and in principle no new string shall be added to a release
> branch.  An exception may be requested if the underlying motive is important
> enough.  The request must receive the support of a significant majority of
> developers (coders, builders, translators) to be granted.  Silence is
> interpreted as supportive of the request.
> Release branches are header-frozen to prevent a change in signature and
> potential breakage of the scripting wrapper API.  An exception may be
> requested if the underlying motive is important enough.  The request must
> receive the support of a significant majority of developers (coders and
> scripters) to be granted.  Silence is interpreted as supportive of the
> request.
> Yuv

Both rules are in my opinion reasonable. Many other projects have such
rules too.


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