On 30 Mai, 17:45, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:

> > Release branches are header-frozen to prevent a change in signature and
> > potential breakage of the scripting wrapper API.  An exception may be
> > requested if the underlying motive is important enough.  The request must
> > receive the support of a significant majority of developers (coders and
> > scripters) to be granted.  Silence is interpreted as supportive of the
> > request.
> Here I'm not fully agree. To fix some errors/bugs it may be necessary
> to patch also header files. There are some changes to header files
> possible which does not break the scripting, e.g. add new variables/
> functions. Also it is possible the extend the functions variable list
> (e.g. by using default values for the new values) without breaking the
> scripting.
> So for me this formulation is too strict.
> So I would propose a weaker formulation: Release branches are frozen
> regarding classes/function/namespace names and functions parameters.

I also feel a complete header-freeze would be too drastic. Thomas
points out situations where changes to the header would not affect
hsi. I'd like to add that hsi only wraps headers from panodata,
panotools and algorithms, plus one header in appbase, see below. Other
headers can be modified without any danger to hsi, even if they are
#included by one of the wrapped headers (swig in the mode we're using
does not %include #included headers). While an API specification and
it's reflection in the interface definition is outstanding, it might
be a good idea to put a notice into the headers which are wrapped by
swig. They are listed in the CMake variable hsi_wrappees:



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