On Thu, 3 Nov 2011 07:06:01 -0700 (PDT), JohnPW wrote:
> Well that's one of those easy situations.
> When you can see the horizon clearly like that, horizontal CPs
> distributed about the pano on the horizon should give you great
> results. Contrary to how one might casually think, placing them far
> apart (with very wide angle images) produces diminishing accuracy. As
> they get closer to 180º apart the effect of minor errors in point
> placement is amplified, just as it would be by placing them closer to
> 0º apart.

One would think it would be simple, but it wasn't.  There was one
error of about 1 pixel I was never able to get rid of, and I had to
play some games in GIMP to clean it up to my satisfaction.  Even 1
pixel error is very noticeable for something like the sky-sae interface.

> Was this at Long Point Light or were you up on a communications tower?

Provincetown Monument.  See
(the monument itself is

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