Hey dude,

On Monday, November 21, 2011 6:39:08 PM UTC+1, mark skama wrote:
> i repeat that other softwares don't work good for me
> and i dont pay a "ridicolus" amount of 177€ for ptgui 
Ptgui is 79 / 149 euro. Autopano pro is 99 euro.
How much did you pay for your camera, lenses, computer? How much did you 
used to pay for film, and developing your film into negatives and prints?
And suddenly a wonderful, well-maintained, and bug-free tool that 
represents tens of man-years of work, a tool that you can use _forever_, is 
too expensive?

If you can't use PTGui (or Autopano Pro) properly, how the hell are you 
going to write your own Stitcher? (And Hugin is not *that* harder to use 
than the paid programs)

Meanwhile, Hugin is free, has the best photometric correction of *any* 
stitcher (including any of the paid ones), and might have a few bugs now 
and then and a UI that is a bit harder to use, but it also works perfectly. 
Your idea that it can't deal with "normal lenses" is complete nonsense.


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