
why on earth would one want to use the Windows version of multiblend with
hugin on Linux?
David updated his website, the Linux source is available since this weekend:

Just do
g++  -msse2 -O2 multiblend.cpp -ltiff -ltiffxx -o multiblend

Then as root copy the new multiblend file to e.g. /usr/local/bin
Set up Hugin to use it. Thats all.

David found out that by reducing blending levels by one using  -l -1
the seam at the 0-360 boundary vanishes.
Anyone to test -l -1 with your images?

Keeping in mind that multiblend has been published just a week ago, I am
happy to have a very fast alternative to enblend that works well for my
specific usage case.

The rest will come with time,


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