On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 6:58:02 AM UTC-4, Jim Watters wrote:
>  On 2012-05-14 7:45 PM, Margaret Wong wrote: 
>  Personally I think of the Assistant as 'beginner', and anything to do 
>> with bracketing or XYZ mosaics as 'expert', i.e. things that should be well 
>> hidden unless you go looking for them.  Everything else in the GUI is 
>> relevant to tweaking stuff that happens behind the scenes of the Assistant. 
> As a relative beginner I do bracketing and mosaics and did those nearly 
> from day one.  It took me ages to realise that an XYZ mosaic wasn't a pano 
> in  strict terms.
> As an Expert in shooting and stitching panoramas I would prefer to see a 
> simple GUI unless I want to use some of advanced technique.
> This was why I suggested the name Simple instead of Beginner. The idea is 
> to show as few controls that are necessary to do the most common simple 
> stitching.
> If a user wants to use an advanced shooting technique, like not keep the 
> camera rotated around the NPP then they will need the Advanced mode to 
> stitch those images together.

I agree with both Margaret and Jim.  The current terminology reflects an 
inward view that has nothing to do with the level of proficiency of the 
user -- neither in terms of computing nor in terms of photography.  It 
draws an arbitrary line in the sand.  Why should XYZ be considered more 
advanced than bracketing?  only because it requires more parameters?  was 
added later?  Added technological complexity?

The current UI simplification is great from an expert perspective and I 
fully agree with Jim's view and support his terminology.  The 
beginner/advanced/expert terminology is misleading.  A real beginner is 
somebody who does not know the strict terms (to paraphrase Margaret) yet.  
For a beginner it does not matter whether the stitch was achieved with 
ypr/XYZ/morph-to-fit (BTW, good stuff, Bruno!) and whether visual 
uniformity was achieved with bracketing/exposure correction/blending.  
Without detracting from the current UI, which I find is a significant 
improvement, the terminology is not very helpful for beginners.

What would help beginners are assistants; e.g. code that detects bracketed 
shooting and asks the user if they want to switch those features of the UI 
on (and even offers some guidance, maybe even automation); or code that 
detects bad geometrical alignment which could be improved with XYZ and asks 
the user if they want to activate that feature of the UI.  The manual 
switch implemented now is good for experts.

I repeat: the new GUI is good progress, but don't raise expectations it 
can't meet by giving the impression that the simple UI is for beginners.  
Even if the new GUI is an improvement for (almost) everybody, it adds more 
to experts than to beginners.


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