
> > I've built hugin with a 10.7+ compatibility; it is based on commit
> > 84a5e46f89aa on the 2013.0 branch.
> Great!! I'm glad someone did it.
> > It is a 32/64 build, with a macosx 10.7 deployment target; I've built
> > it on Mountain lion, so I can only hope it will run on Lion. There is
> > no real reason why I chose 32/64 binaries, but since I could do it,
> > I've kept it (after some reading, I don't think there's any reason for
> > lion binary to have 32 bits build).
> I tried on my old 10.6.8 macbook pro and it didn't work, but that's normal
> as the you set the minimal deployment target to 10.7
> I managed to get my hands on a 10.8.3 apple and your program starts.
> I had a very weird experience when starting hugin for the first time. It
> started partially off screen and as the window bar was off screen as well I
> couldn't drag it back. And as Hugin doesn't have the display->zoom function
> either I couldn't zoom it either.
> So I closed Hugin, opened "Library/Preferences/hugin\ Preferences" in vi
> and set the "main frame" options accordingly.
> [MainFrame]
> ShowStartTip=0
> width=400
> height=408
> positionX=700
> positionY=244
> maximized=0
> (I describe it this detailed so that others users might benefit from it).

    I had other weird behaviors :
    - moving the fast preview window will move the project window and
I could
      not make the project window in the first ground, it would stay
behind the
      fast preview window; I don't seem to have it anymore.
    - when launching Hugin, the window is at minimum size, and then it
      to its "normal" size; this behavior I still have, though it does
not have
      any consequence nor does it cause any trouble.

> When loading files everything works. When trying to align cpfind fails as
> it can't find libflann
> I suppose you used and external libflann. My project uses the internal
> flann and for this my complete_bundle.sh doesn't contain libflann as a
> library.

    No, in fact, I'm using the one that comes Hugin, but I did not
copied it in
    the bundle. Now that I tested my build more completely, it was the
    with other ones. I corrected that.

> > Enblend version is 4.1.1; I've built it with gcc-4.6, so openmp should
> > not be an issue (or so have I understand).
> It is compiled against openmp version 2008-5.
> Both enblend and enfuse crash with a BPT trap: 5 error which means they
> can't find a library/framework.
> I checked with e.g. "tool -L enblend" (uppercase L). This command will show
> against which libraries/frameworks your binary or library is compiled. That
> 10.8.3 machine doesn't have Xcode on it, but I can check that just as well
> on my own mac.
> Anyway, the error is :
> The libgsl.0.dylib is in the right place (and symbolic link libgsl.dylib is
> also in place), so this requires a little more investigation.

    That was another problem : ids were not changed on the external
    that where needed; external libraries needed by external libraries
were not
    embeded (I was checking only the binaries, not the libraries).

    I now have a script that checks these problem so it should not
happen again
        (I hope).

> > It is based on a new xcode project, as I have great difficulties using
> > the Hugin.xcodeproj that is in the mac directory.
> I can't currently check it as that 10.8.3 machine (which isn't mine)
> doesn't have XCode on it.
> > Furthermore, I am still having difficulty using the script that create
> > links between resources so it is a "normal" build and the total size
> > is kind of large (450Mib).
> We can discuss this linking stuff.

    That was why I asked if you were using xcode3, because xcode4 is
doing some
    weird stuff; for example, I can embed HuginStitchProjet.app in
    Hugin.app/Contents/Resources fine, but when I try to link the
    folder once in InstallerFolder, xcode says that there's no
Resources folder
    in Hugin.app/Contents/Resources (which is not true as I can see it
    Finder, Terminal, ...).

    Anyway, I found another way to achieve the same goal and from a
huge 450
    Mib, the archive is now 124 Mib.

> > The reason behind this new xcode project is that I've encountered
> > numerous trial and fail when building the provided xcode project using
> > xcode 4 on lion and up. Harry, are you build hugin with xcode 3 ?
> > Yes, still being on 10.6.8 means that I'm restricted to 3.2.6.
> > I wanted to know if someone could test this build and let know what
> > problem he encounters.

    I still have an old disk that has a Snow Leopard on it to test a
build with
    the project you cleaned, but I have no confidence in myself : I
    tried in the past with the original project (the last time was
    1 year ago) and I failed (the best result was Hugin launching with
    Japanese locale for no reason and I was unable to know the cause).

    But I was using xcode4.0, so I'll give it a try with xcode 3.2.6.

> > See up in this mail :)
> To answer a question from your previous mail:
> - in the xcode project, is there a reason why hugin_base, vigra_impex
>   are frameworks ?
> Yes and No, Ippei Ukai initially made this XCode project. He choose to go
> for frameworks as that is the default way of building of Apple. The reason
> for this (by apple) is that a framework contains the library itself and the
> header files, which makes it a self contained unit for further development.
> I just continued on that. I have been thinking of splitting the hugin_base
> framework into smaller frameworks but never really worked on that. You
> compiled to dylibs and completely got rid of the Hugin internal frameworks:
> fine with me.

    That was the only reason I could think of but I have never seen
the hugin
    frameworks used in any other projects, so I thought there may be

> Thanks a lot for stepping in. You came this far without help so the last
> few hurdles should be easily to manage.

    And with your help and testing, I corrected some errors and have
now a
    (I hope) usable build.

    I will try to find my Snow Leopard disk to try to build your
project. It
    should take me a week to have results, I will gladly post results
when I
    have some.



PS: I uploaded a new build, 64-bits only, for OSX Lion and Mountain
Lion :

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