Hello all, hello John,
you expressed a couple of problems that I experience, too. It took me quite some time to get used to it.

1. "Hiding the Optimizer and Exposure windows is confusing." I guess you meant the tabs. These are displayed as soon as you choose a setting like "custom parameters" for geometric or photometric optimisation. So they are not displayed as long as there are not settings to change. Quite useful I find - but see issue 4.

2. Why is there no delete button? I wonder too! That's what GUIs are for. They should present the possible commands and not make you search for them. (Anyway, you can just hit the delete key!)

3. This new underlining & bolding UI is not only less ergonomic to read and to use, I must admit I have never understood how to use it properly. I can "select all" or "unselect all" images to be optimized for a specific parameter. Thank you John! You mentioned Ctrl-clicking and I tried and only now found out how to optimise a parameter for only one image (or a selection, but not all). I really think there should be a more obvious way to do this. Or have I been living under a rock and this is something a computer user usually knows? This is why I have not uninstalled the last hugin version with the old UI and although I know now how to use it I would still be grateful if it could be reverted to checkboxes.

4. Yes, the sub menu structure of these menus doesn't make it clear where to find that. When you have the Exposure tab displayed (see above!) it's easier or more obvious: When you hit the "Reset" button, you get a similar dialogue to that "reset custom ..." one and here it's in the first option. I think, too, this should be easier to find. Although this is probably a very special use case.

Best regards
Joachim Schneider

Am 17.09.2015 um 21:06 schrieb John Eklund:
After sticking to an old Hugin version for years ("if it ain't broken, don't fix it"), I finally created a project which made the old cpfind crash (500 images gigapixel), so I reminded myself that new is not necessarily bad, took the plunge and upgraded to Hugin 2015.0.0.

Wow what a change! And not just for the better. I used to be a Hugin power user. Now I feel like an amateur again. There are some frustrating nags. Here are the most important ones:

1. Hiding the Optimizer and Exposure windows is confusing. I want everything! I am using the Expert interface and still Hugin hides things from me.

Why are automatic optimizations moved to the Photos tab while custom optimizations remain on the Optimizer tab? Confusing. I also miss the connection between exactly what parameters are marked when selecting a predefined optimization. I want to see what is what. I often select one of the predefined optimizations as a quick way of mass-ticking parameters as a basis and then elaborating on them manually before actually optimizing "custom parameters". Thankfully this still works but doing it in separate tabs is tedious and confusing.

2. Thanks to #1, it took me a while before I found how to change / delete a lens. Why are there no buttons? "Every" function should exist as a button, not just in the right-click menu.

3. Underlining & bolding the parameters selected for optimization makes them hard to distinguish. Please go back to checkboxes, which makes it possible using Tab and Space to mark the boxes. Ctrl-clicking is tedious.

4. Resetting ALL exposure correction (incl EV) should be more obvious. I mix images created in Enfuse with straight-from-camera images with images that have been manipulated with ancient tools and a tool I've developed myself (PicStack) that do not retain any EXIF data. I know what I'm doing and adjust every image by hand before touching Hugin. I never want Hugin to know anything about exposure. I had a hard time figuring out how to get rid of the EV values for EXIF-containing images. Why are these not reset by "Reset lens parameters" and I have to instead "Reset user defined..."?

Any hopes of getting these nags rectified?

Best regards
John Eklund, Sweden

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