Hi Thomas,

PTBatcher opens the specified project correctly but when it starts 
stitching, MacOpenFiles get called with the prefix. There are two 
1. a hack in MacOpenFiles to not add files without a extension 
2.(the better one) Why does it get called at all? Note that it doesn't make 
any difference either if Hugin calls PTG or if I call it via bash with the 
same command as hugin ( 
 -b -v "/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692.pto" 
"/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692" )


argv 0: 
argv 1: -b
argv 2: -v
argv 3: /Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692.pto
argv 4: /Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692

Am Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016 17:53:42 UTC+2 schrieb T. Modes:
> Hi Niklas,
> Am Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016 20:45:57 UTC+2 schrieb Niklas Mischkulnig:
>> Thomas, I rolled back to wxWidgets 3.0. 
>> Can I hardcode wxColour col(128,128,128) (dark grey, how it looked 
>> previously)
>> because that color isn't available via wxSYS_COLOUR_?*?*?  in 3.1?
> Yes, no problem, if you like. Maybe wrapping into #if defined __WXMAC__ && 
> wxCHECK_VERSION(3,1,0) 
>> When I call it like this, the log windows opens, the cursor turns into a 
>> watch and I can't do anything, because it tries to stitch the
>> first (=invalid) project file(see below), code in repository calls 
>> PTBatcherGUI this way.
>> PTBatcherGUI.app/Contents/MacOS/PTBatcherGUI  -b -v 
>> "/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692" 
>> "/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692.pto"
> I changed the order in Hugin back. So it's in sync with Windows and Linux 
> again. I was still wondering why it worked on Mac with the false order.
>> This way(arguments swapped), it gets added once correctly and the second 
>> entry has the prefix as the projectfile and "first image - last image" as 
>> output prefix:
>> PTBatcherGUI.app/Contents/MacOS/PTBatcherGUI  -b -v 
>> "/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692.pto" 
>> "/Users/niklas/Desktop/pano/DSC_5691 - DSC_5692"
>> If you checked already the call from hugin, we have to go a step further 
> and debug it in PTBatcherGUI. Could you apply the attached patch and then 
> call PTBatcherGUI from Hugin. This should print a window with the 
> parameters PTBatcherGUI gets. Maybe this shed some light on the issue.
> Thomas

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