On Thursday,  1 October 2020 at 21:46:17 -0700, Parasar Ghimire wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for replying. Please find the attached images. This set of pictures
> works on my computer when I align them but doesn't work on other computers.
> Please advise me if I am missing something.
> My general approach is:
> 1. import images into HUGIN
> 2. Set Lens type as Circular fisheye and focal length as 3.154
> 3. Click Align to auto-detect control points.
> The results are fine on my computers but fail in others as it isn't able to
> calculate yaw, pitch, and roll values. This is why I cannot recommend and
> standardize the process.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AlkHTbkZIKkAhTS1QxT4Uh5SQLl6KV12/view?usp=sharing

OK, I've taken a look at the images.  I'm amazed that you can get them
to align at all.  There's barely any overlap.  And most certainly the
images as shown were not taken with a circular fisheye.  I selected
full frame fisheye (which is probably also stretching the case) and
got the first five without trouble.  I needed to add the sixth
manually.  And that's as far as I got.  I couldn't recognize any
connection between the last two and the rest.  I think it speaks
highly for Hugin that any version works.

Why don't you try again with more images?  Consider that the control
point detector needs to find at least 6 control points between images.
Think what points might be of use and ensure that they appear in at
least two images.  If all else fails (like the ground in your images)
you could consider putting something like a lens cap on the ground and
taking it in different images, then removing the cap and taking more
images, finally omitting the images with the lens cap from the final

And why does this work on some computers and not others?  I've seen
similar issues in the past, but first you should check if you have the
same control point detectors on all the computers.

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