I ran the hugin I built.  I did not do the LD_LIBRARY_PATH thing Bruno 
suggested in the other thread, because my system does have the lib64 setup 
(lib is 64 bit) and because ldd indicated hugin had access to all the .so 
files it needed without that.  I'll investigate whether something else 
needs that after I reboot Linux (I'm typing this on windows before 
rebooting a hung Linux machine).

hugin initially seemed to be working.  I loaded a project I had stitched 
(with poor results, but no specific malfunctions) using the Windows binary 
release of hugin.
Is there some problem in moving a hugin project from Windows to Fedora 
and/or from the released hugin build to latest (today) from mercurial?

When I stitched that, it gave the usual prompts (overwrite the previous 
result files, etc.) then flashed a bunch of things on screen, then hung my 
system (I think kdm is hung).
The log file (on a fileserver, so I can see before rebooting linux) ends 
Blending exposure layer 0...
execvp(enblend, -f2658x5011, --compression=LZW, -o, 20220115_155306 - 
20220115_155319_exposure_0000.tif, --, 20220115_155306 - 
20220115_155319_exposure_layers_0000.tif) failed with error 2!

The konsole window I ran it from scrolled through lots of error messages, 
the still visible ones are variants on these:
(PTBatcherGUI:4786): Gtk-WARNINGS **: 10:58:16.593: for_size smaller than 
min_size (0 < 14) while measuring gadget (node check, owner GtkCheckButton)
(PTBatcherGUI:4786): Gtk-WARNINGS **: 10:58:16.593: Negative content height 
-2 (allocation 0, extents 1,1) while allocating gadget (node check, owner 

The batch processor window is up with a status of failed.  Other windows 
opened by the stitch action, closed right before the system hung.

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