On Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 10:39:36 AM UTC-5 johnfi...@gmail.com 

I ran make -j16
Meanwhile I ran system monitor to see that about half my cpu capacity was 
in use

Then my system crashed.  Seemed to be a display driver crash.  Maybe there 
is some problem in building hugin with j16, but more likely it is a display 
driver bug.

On Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 1:27:25 PM UTC-5 bruno...@gmail.com wrote:

> There is definitely something wrong with your graphics setup. The 
> standard nouveau driver might not have all the top features, but in my 
> experience it is very stable. You shouldn't expect a problem in Hugin 
> to crash the whole system like this. 

Just wanted to mention the above crash was something that only happens with 
Plasma System Monitor running.  Using KSysGuard instead of  Plasma System 
Monitor, I get zero such problems (zero using Nvidia driver, lots of 
problems using nouveau driver).
So definitely nothing wrong with the hugin build (which builds even faster 
at -j32 than at -j16).  Maybe there is still some problem related to the 
ancient Nvidia card.  But I have seen symptoms of that problem only in two 
places: recovery from sleep (I no longer use sleep for that reason) and 
Plasma System Monitor (I no longer use it for that reason).

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how to debug a debug build of hugin.  I 
still want to know why magnification to over 2**27 pixels breaks the 
control panel dialog and indirect evidence is pointing me into the pixmap 
object wrapped inside the wxBitmap object.  From the wxBitmap source code I 
can't even figure out what object that pixmap even is, much less look into 
its source code.

Long ago, I gave up trying to learn how to use gdb (but I might need to 
reverse that decision for this).  I'm used to debugging with CodeBlocks 
(which uses gdb under the hood, but hides that from me).  I knew in Windows 
how to get CodeBlocks to debug something that wasn't built in CodeBlocks 
and for this, I learned the different way to make that work in Linux.
Now CodeBlocks seems unable to understand the correspondence between binary 
positions and source code positions (likely because gdb is failing to do 
that) so it can't open the source code on break and breakpoints set in 
source code don't work.  The usual causes for that problem don't apply, so 
solutions I know in CodeBlocks from past projects, don't work.  So I'm at a 
dead end with CodeBlocks debugger.  Maybe there is more flexibility in gdb 

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