I wanted to start this thread, even though I don't have a lot to ask/report 
yet, because I'll otherwise forget things, and because someone might have 
some useful feedback on what I have so far.

uname -a reports
Linux linux 5.15.15-200.fc35.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jan 16 17:37:06 UTC 2022 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I got build instructions both from
and from a recent post by Bruno suggesting
sudo dnf install gcc-c++ libpano13-devel zlib-devel libtiff-devel 
libjpeg-devel libpng-devel gettext-devel wxGTK3-devel boost-devel 
freeglut-devel cmake desktop-file-utils OpenEXR-devel exiv2-devel 
glew-devel python3-devel swig flann-devel perl-Image-ExifTool 
mesa-libGLU-devel libXmu-devel sqlite-devel vigra-devel perl-podlators 
fftw-devel lcms2-devel 

The list of things to install is very different between those two sources.  
Is that first one obsolete?
Getting everything from that first list first, it complained that wxPython 
doesn't exist, but I got everything else.  I didn't try cmake with just 
those things.
Getting Bruno's list next installed 26 packages I hadn't gotten from that 
first list (some things on Bruno's list that I didn't have yet, plus 
whatever those depended on that I didn't have).  I lost the list of what 
was extra, because my system crashed before I saved that list.

cmake just worked (first time that happened for me since I started trying 
to build hugin).  It failed for me in Windows.  It failed for me in Ubuntu 
(maybe because I was using an obsolete list of packages required, rather 
than Bruno's list).

I ran make -j16
Meanwhile I ran system monitor to see that about half my cpu capacity was 
in use and about 22% of ram, meaning the 16 jobs in my 16 thread cpu  were 
averaging half speed due to waits on disk reads.  That is as expected for 
this system.  It certainly means 16 is NOT too many for my hardware.

Then my system crashed.  Seemed to be a display driver crash.  Maybe there 
is some problem in building hugin with j16, but more likely it is a display 
driver bug.  In an otherwise new and powerful system, I have an ancient 
graphics card driving two high res displays.  The nouveau driver crashes 
constantly for this hardware, so I'm not using it.  I'm using the 340 
driver from Nvidia, which doesn't crash much.  But it does crash.

Rebooted and built without j16
Next I need to figure out what I need to do (what else to install) to 
actually use what I just built.

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