I hope that mlterm also takes into considerations the RTL (Right To 
Left) languages. As far as I know these are Hebrew and Arabic.
Actually, BiDi (Bi Directional) might be more suitable then RTL in this 
context since users of these languages do expect to be able to combine 
the other direction too. And by that I mean have Hebrew/Arabic text 
combined with other languages text.

> Hi,
> I am now participating in development of "mlterm" (multi-lingual
> terminal) which supports various encodings including TIS-620 and
> UTF-8.  The latest version of mlterm can use "tis620.2533-1",
> "tis620.2529-1", or "iso10646-1" fonts and supports combining
> characters.  I hope the software is useful for Thai people.
> I tested Thai input using "setxkbmap th" and it worked for both
> of TIS-620 and UTF-8.  However, since I am not a native Thai
> speaker nor can I speak Thai at all, I cannot judge the software
> is really useful for native Thai people.
> Thus, I'd like some Thai people to test "mlterm" and read reports
> from them.  Debian package of mlterm version 1.9.47 will available
> in a few days (I uploaded it yesterday).  The upstream web page of
> mlterm is:
>     http://mlterm.dnsalias.net/ken/mlterm/mlterm.shtml
> Note that "tis620-0" fonts are not supported yet.
> Of course I'd like to read reports from people from other countries.
> ---
> http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/
> "Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/
> -- 
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