> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hideki Hiura)
> I pushed XomCTL to the opensourcing path for long time, and last time
> I checked, all copyright holders signed to opensource XomCTL, but I 
> do not know what the obstacle remaining afterall. I will double check the
> status.

I confirmed that all legal issues with TOG are completely cleared, 
so it is ready to be distributed freely without the TOG licensing fee.
Now several engineers in li18nux.org and Sun are actively working on
releasing the XomCTL, especially focusing on verifying its
functionality on Linux distributions. 
Finally Xlib level CTL support is just right here.

As of the study seen on Solaris 9, at least the support of Arabic,
Thai, Hebrew and Hindi in Xlib level is enable with this XomCTL.

hiura@{sun.com,li18nux.org,kondara.org,unicode.org} http://www.li18nux.org
Chair, Li18nux/Linux Internationalization Initiative, Free Standards Group
Architect/Sr. Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc, USA  FAX 650-786-9553
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