On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Hideki Hiura wrote:

> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hideki Hiura)
> > I pushed XomCTL to the opensourcing path for long time, and last time
> > I checked, all copyright holders signed to opensource XomCTL, but I
> > do not know what the obstacle remaining afterall. I will double check the
> > status.
> I confirmed that all legal issues with TOG are completely cleared,
> so it is ready to be distributed freely without the TOG licensing fee.
> Now several engineers in li18nux.org and Sun are actively working on
> releasing the XomCTL,especially focusing on verifying its
> functionality on Linux distributions.
> Finally Xlib level CTL support is just right here.
> As of the study seen on Solaris 9, at least the support of Arabic,
> Thai, Hebrew and Hindi in Xlib level is enable with this XomCTL.

I wasn't exactly following this. So could you please remind me:

What change is required in legacy XLib programs to use XomCTL?


Tzafrir Cohen

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