KP> While I've never seen ñ in my limited exposure to French,

Neither have I (with over 20 years exposure to the language).  I
suggest you remove it -- it's not in the Adobe Standard encoding, so
some fonts may lack it.

KP> The only questionable thing I believe I've done is to eliminate the OE 
KP> ligatures and Y with diaeresis from the French list -- those aren't in 
KP> Latin 1, and I wanted to permit Latin-1 fonts to be marked as supporting 
KP> French.

The oe ligatures are needed, and they are in both Adobe Standard and
CP 1252 -- hence, both Type 1 and TrueType fonts should contain them;
I suggest you add them back.  Never mind Y-dieresis, on the other hand
I can only think of one place name with a y-dieresis.

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