Apa ada yang punya kandidat ?

 Indonesia looks to replace BP Migas chairman

Eric Watkins
Senior Correspondent

LOS ANGELES, Mar. 14 -- Indonesia, seeking to replace Kardaya Warnika
as chairman of the country's upstream oil and gas regulator BP Migas,
will present three potential candidates for parliament to consider
next month.

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, who Mar. 12
confirmed that Kardaya would be replaced before his tenure ended in
2010, identified the three candidates and said their names would be
presented to parliament next week.

Purnomo said it was simply time to "refresh" the agency, declining to
say if the replacement plan had come in response to complaints by
lawmakers over Kardaya's performance in office.

Purnomo named the candidates as R. Priyono, currently director for
upstream activities at the ministry; Evita H. Legowo, an assistant to
the minister for human resources and technology; and Hadi Purnomo,
director of a research and development center for oil and gas

Reports said lawmakers have been demanding a replacement for Kardaya,
saying his administration of BP Migas failed to increase the country's
output of crude oil. The country's oil production has declined over
the past 5 years, with production under 1 million b/d in 2007.

Kardaya, who has held his post since 2005, several times failed to
appear before legislators, sending his deputy instead. Lawmaker Tjatur
Sapto Edy said parliament is ready to test the candidates next month
and hope to install the new chairman by the end of April.

Contact Eric Watkins at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* acara utama: 27-28 Agustus 2008
* penerimaan abstrak: kemarin2 s/d 30 April 2008
* pengumuman penerimaan abstrak: 15 Mei 2008
* batas akhir penerimaan makalah lengkap: 15 Juli 2008
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* pendaftaran calon ketua: 13 Pebruari - 6 Juni 2008
* penghitungan suara: waktu PIT IAGI Ke-37 di Bandung

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