Pak dan Bu, 

Masalahnya sekarang bukan hanya akses data saja. 
Kita di Migas kalau membeli data harus melalui badan yang ditunjuk oleh
MIGAS, yaitu Patra Nusa Data.  Tetapi yang sering terjadi adalah, data
yang kita tahu ada malah tidak available.  Lhaaa...ndilalah ada yang di
luar yang jual, tapi kalau dibeli ngga cost recovery.  Tapi kalau ndak
dibeli, datanya perlu untuk evaluasi blok.  Kita mau membeli data dengan
halal yang menjadi hak kita saja, pemerintah kesulitan. Sementara entah
dari mana orang2 lain mempunyai data2 yang kita butuhkan tersebut.


-----Original Message-----
From: RM Iman Argakoesoemah [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:15 PM
To:;; Forum HAGI
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Re: Subject: IHS Geologist detained and
tortured by China's state security agents

Kalau data itu diakses lewat website mestinya diperbolehkan asalkan data
tersebut bisa diakses oleh siapapun. NKRI itu lokasinya di "luar" web,
karena web loaksinya bisa dimanapun.

Thanks. Iman

-----Original Message-----
From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari []
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 10:20 AM
To:; IAGI; Forum HAGI
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Re: Subject: IHS Geologist detained and tortured
by China's state security agents

Aturan ttg data security confidentialty sensitivity itu dinamis
banget. Dulu foto udara itu susah dipeoleh dan aturannya rumit. Tapi
skrg kita bisa ngintip dari GoogleEarth. Bahkan bisa liat samp virtual
jalan jalan. Seolah lah kita jalan disana.
Dulu pernah ada yg masuk penjara juga karena menjual fotoudara.
Kerahasiaan data itu didfinisikan oleh pemerintah. Termasuk pemerintah
Cina. Di Indonesia relatif "terbuka" utk data dasar. Lokasi sumur
merupakan satu data rahasia yg di Indonesia termasuk data terbuka
bebas ejak awal. Namun bisa juga lokasi ini secara khusus terpisah
dirahasiakan. Banyak sumur2 petronas di MY tidak tercantum di IHS.
PND menyediakan basic data juga diwebnya. Misal line seismic. Dapat
diakses di web.

Nah yg rumit sekarang adalah data dijital. Secara general data TIDAK
BOLEH KELUAR NKRI. Tapi kalau diakses lewat web apa termasuk kategori
'keluar NKRI' ?

Petronas (PMU) memiliki divisi atau bagian khusus yang tugasnya
mengaudit data ("data auditor"). Memeriksa server-server perusahaan
migas yg beroperasi di MY. Memeriksa apakah perolehan data itu legal
atau tidak. Saya tidak tahu apakah Pusdatin (BPMIGAS) juga memiliki
bagian ini.

Di Indonesia kepemilikan data masih dikuasai negara. Anda (perusahaan)
hanya memegang lisensi penggunaan dengan waktu tertentu, 1 atau 2
tahun saja.

Andapun (perusahaan) dapat memperoleh data dari mana saja, termasuk
'black market'. Tapi pengunaan data ini harus memenuhi legalitasnya.
Disitulah jebakan utk menjerat pembocor dan pengguna data haram.

"Pak Awang" (BPMIGAS) dapat menanyakan penggunaan data sumur ini
sewaktu rapat WPnB. Dan dapat menanyakan liseni dan legalitasnya. :)


On 07/07/2010, khozin.sahudi <> wrote:
> Bukannyaa atura tentang data Geologi/data Migas kan wis tirik-2 ono
> neng MIGAS, yen kabeh manut aturane/ konsekuen, wis ono aturan-2e dg
> opsi ( if), nggih mboten pak BK? / mas Naryanto? Utawi Mas Harjono?,
> kulo aturi paring ular-2/ pitedah dumateng kito-2 sedoyo!.
> From: []
> Behalf Of Ismail Zaini
> Sent: 11 Juli 2010 20:31
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Geologi UGM] Subject: IHS Geologist detained and
tortured by
> China's state security agents
> Lha sakjane matuke piye tetang data ( migas ) ini , dikapakno enake ,
> dibebaske wae .... apa dg aturan yang ada  ttg data ( sesuai UU / PP /
> Kepmen ) yg ada ini sudah cukup bagus , atau piye, Kan aturan iku
> pada kondisi dan situasi waktu itu  dadi nek pancen untuk lebih baik
> sesuai dg kondisi yang terjadi sekarang ini , kan iso di revisi....
> ----- Original Message -----
> Mengingatkan saja.
> Yang menentukan sensitivitas data negara itu pemerintah. Saat ini
> data di Indonesia, baik data sumur seismic dan data-data migas diatur
> peraturan tersendiri. Setiap perusahaan bisa saja "memiliki" data-data
> diserver masing-masing. Tetapi penggunaan data itu berdasarkan atas
> yang harus diperoleh secara resmi.
> Indonesia sepertinya tidak berpikir bagaimana anda (perusahaan)
> memperolehnya, bisa saja lewat black market. Tetapi ketika anda
> ketahuan secara legal tidak memiliki ijin (lisensi) penggunaannya
> awal bencana. Disitulah anda (perusahaan) akan dijerat !!
> The national data security and sensitivity will be defined by
> not you !
> Subject: IHS Geologist detained and tortured by China's state security
> agents
> Chinese court sentences US geologist to 8 years
> Associated Press Writer
> BEIJING (AP) - An American geologist detained and tortured by China's
> security agents over an oil industry database was jailed for eight
> Monday in a troubling example of China's rough justice system and the
> the U.S. government handles cases against its citizens.  Beijing's No.
> Intermediate People's Court convicted Xue Feng of collecting
> and illegally providing state secrets and immediately sentenced him.
> Xue's lawyer Tong Wei described the sentence as "very heavy", just
short of
> the maximum 10 years, and said he would confer with Xue over whether
> appeal. Xue was also fined 200,000 yuan ($30,000).  The U.S.
Ambassador to
> China, Jon Huntsman, witnessed the sentencing in a show of high-level
> government concern about the case. Afterward, the U.S. Embassy
released a
> statement saying it was dismayed and urged China to grant Xue
> release and immediately deport him."
> For Xue, the verdict comes more than six months since the last court
> and two and a half years after he was detained - a protracted
> and pretrial detention that Chinese officials never explained.  Born
> China and trained at the University of Chicago, Xue ran afoul of the
> authorities for arranging the sale of a detailed commercial database
> China's oil industry to IHS Energy, the energy consulting firm he
worked for
> that is now known as IHS Inc. and based in Colorado.
> Sentenced along with Xue were three Chinese nationals convicted of
> accomplices. Li Yongbo, a manager at Beijing Licheng Zhongyou Oil
> Development Co., was sentenced to eight years and fined 200,000 yuan
> ($30,000) while Chen Mengjin and Li Dongxu, who worked for research
> institutes affiliated with state-owned PetroChina Co. were each given
> two-and-a-half-year sentences and fined 50,000 yuan ($7,500).
> The case has been seen as a troubling complex of the pitfalls of
> justice, especially for successful native Chinese who go abroad for
> education and work, acquire foreign citizenship and then return to
China for
> work.  "This is a very harsh sentence. It's a very sad day for justice
> China," said John Kamm, an American human rights campaigner whom the
> Department turned to for help last year to lobby for Xue's release.
"It's a
> huge disappointment and will send very real shivers up the spines of
> businesses that do business in China." he said.
> Xue's case came to trial just as another China-born foreign national,
> Australian Stern Hu, was detained amid tense negotiations on iron ore
> between his employer, global mining colossus Rio Tinto, and Chinese
> companies.  Both Xue and Hu were charged on vague state secrets
charges. But
> unlike Xue, Hu's arrest received immediate publicity from the
> government and media. He is not known to have been mistreated and was
> brought to trial quickly, sentenced in March to 10 years for bribery
> infringing trade secrets.
> By contrast, Xue languished in detention. His disappearance in 2007
> arrest did not become public for two years until reported by The
> Press last November. During the early weeks of his detention, state
> agents tortured Xue, stubbing lit cigarettes into his arms and hitting
> on the head with an ashtray.  Later allowed visits by U.S. consular
> officers, Xue told them he wanted his case made public. However, his
> who lives in Texas, disagreed, believing that quiet lobbying might be
> effective and fearing that the publicity would trouble their two
> and possibly jeopardize her relatives still living in China. Amid
> disagreement, the U.S. State Department pursued back-channel
> Meanwhile, the case was batted between the court and prosecutors. All
> he appeared three times in court before Monday's hearing, the first in
> a year ago and the last in December. The court then repeatedly
> sentencing. Legal experts said the delays in issuing a verdict
> legal time limits; Xue's lawyer said a decision should have come in
March at
> the latest.
> The lapses illustrate a growing willingness by the authoritarian
> to ignore laws to suit political interests.  "There's an increasing
> of cases where there's no legal fig leaf," Jerome Cohen, a venerable
> law expert at New York University who has advised Xue's wife, said in
> interview before the verdict.
> Aside from Xue, Cohen ticks off other instances of detentions without
> basis, among them Gao Zhisheng, a crusading rights lawyer disappeared
> authorities repeatedly, and Zheng Enchong, a lawyer who spent three
years in
> prison after revealing a corrupt land deal and is now in the fifth
year of
> house arrest that has little legal basis.  "These are increasingly
> visible signs of lawlessness," said Cohen.
> Chinese officials have wide authority to define state secrets, and the
> latitude makes it difficult for foreigners and Chinese alike to know
> they are crossing the line.  Draft regulations released by the
government in
> April defines the business secrets of major state-run companies as
> secrets. In Xue's case, the database had been prepared by a Chinese
> and contained detailed information on the state of the Chinese oil
> which is predominantly state-controlled.
> Chinese law enforcement never identified the prison where Xue was
> held, neither to embassy officials in Beijing nor his lawyer, the only
> outsiders Xue was allowed to see. While the physical abuse of his
> detention stopped, Xue was still subject to indignities: The U.S.
> said as of last week it had delivered 20-some books for Xue but prison
> authorities only allowed him a few.
> Trying to get Xue's case unstuck and underscore U.S. government
> Huntsman or the embassy's No. 2 have personally met with Xue every
> since late last year on the single monthly meeting consular officials
> allowed under a Chinese-U.S. agreement.
> During last month's visit, Huntsman waited an hour for Xue at the No.
> Intermediate People's Court, where the monthly meetings are held. The
> stopped by to apologize, saying Xue was delayed by traffic, but he
> to discuss the case, according to the U.S. Embassy.  Xue eventually
> up, meeting with two consular officials who stayed after Huntsman left
> another appointment, the embassy said.
> --
> You can do hard way or you can do smart way ... both ways need you to
do it
> any way ... not just discuss it in the hall way.
> --
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You can do hard way or you can do smart way ... both ways need you to
do it any way ... not just discuss it in the hall way.

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 22-25 November 2010
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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
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