terima kasih atas pencerahannya.
terus brown gas dan hydrogennya itu dibuat dimana?  dan kapan?

kalau dibuat di mobilnya waktu mobil itu jalan.  susah untuk mengertinya.  
mesti ingat lagi yang disebutkan Pak RPK  tentang hukum kekekalan energy.

dari bacaan yang saya baca selama ini,  efisiense pembuatan hydrogen dari air 
sangat kecil dibawah 10 % dari energy  yang diperlukan dan energy yang 
dihasilkan oleh hydrogennya.

justru itu salah satu alternatif sumber energy pembuatan hydrogen adalah 
pemakaian energy yang terbarukan dan yang sekarang mubazir terbuang begitu saja.


 From: Eko Prasetyo <strivea...@gmail.com>
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id 
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2012 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] hydrogen sebagai sumber energy Re: Bls: Re: 
[iagi-net-l] Diskisi migas di Metro


Fuel Cells: This method uses oxygen from the atmosphere to complete the burning 
of the hydrogen in the fuel cell. What comes out of the tail pipe is oxygen and 
water vapor, but the oxygen originally came from the atmosphere, not from the 
fuel. And so the use of fuel cells neither takes away nor contributes to the 
oxygen content of the air.

Hydrogen: This fuel is complete in itself. It does not need oxygen from the 
atmosphere to burn, which is an improvement over fossil fuels in saving the 
oxygen in our air supply. In fact, when hydrogen burns perfectly, nothing at 
all comes out of the tail pipe. If salt and metal alloy are used to create 
hydrogen, then there will be residues of that in the exhaust, but hydrogen fuel 
does not contribute oxygen to the atmosphere.

Brown's gas: This is the most perfect fuel of all for running our vehicles. 
Like pure hydrogen, it is made from water, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen, but it 
burns in the combustion engine so that, depending on the setup, it may actually 
release oxygen into the atmosphere. In that case, what comes out of the tail 
pipe is oxygen and water vapor, just as with fuel cells; but the oxygen comes 
from the water that's being used to create the Brown's gas fuel. So burning 
Brown's gas as fuel can add oxygen to the air and thus increase the oxygen 
content of our atmosphere.

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