Om Bowo

mirip BISTIK ya..."Barisan Suami Takut Istri kaliii...."

On 11/2/12, Bowo Pangarso <> wrote:
> Saya yakin anggota IAGI pasti langsung pada search apa itu Stockholm
> Syndrome, tapi supaya memudahkan juga buat yang malas atau ngga sempat
> mencari, saya copaskan sebagian dari Wikipedia mengenai apa itu Stockholm
> Syndrome.
> Intinya adalah satu sindrom dimana si terjajah/sandera/tawanan menjadi
> terikat secara emosional dengan si penjajah/penjahatnya. Rada sadis sih
> kalau boleh jujur.........tapi jangan-jangan memang sebagian atau malah
> semua sudah kena sindrom ini? dimana konteksnya bukan cuma expat vs
> nasional lho ya.......waspadalah.....waspadalah.......
> Lengkapnya disini
> *Stockholm syndrome,* or *capture-bonding,* is a
> psychological<>phenomenon in
> which
> hostages <> express
> empathy<>and have positive
> feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of
> defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light
> of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a
> lack of abuse <> from their captors for
> an act of
> kindness.[1]<>
> [2] <> The
> FBI<>’s
> Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly 27% of victims show
> evidence of Stockholm
> Syndrome.[3]<>
> Stockholm syndrome can be seen as a form of *traumatic bonding*, which does
> not necessarily require a hostage scenario, but which describes "strong
> emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person
> intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the
> other."[4] <>
> Battered-wife
> syndrome<>is
> an example of activating the capture-bonding psychological mechanism,
> as
> are military basic
> training<>and
> fraternity bonding by
> hazing
> <>.[5]<>
> [6]
> <>[7]<>
> Stockholm syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg
> robbery<>of
> *Kreditbanken <>* at
> Norrmalmstorg<>in
> Stockholm <>, Sweden in which several
> bank employees were held hostage in a bank vault from August 23 to August
> 28, 1973. During this situation, the victims became emotionally attached to
> their captors, rejected assistance from government officials at one point
> and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day
> ordeal.[10]<>The
> term "Stockholm syndrome" was coined by the
> criminologist <> and
> psychiatrist<> Nils
> Bejerot <>, who assisted the
> police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news
> broadcast.
> [11] <> It was
> originally defined by psychiatrist Frank
> Ochberg<>to aid the
> management of hostage situations.
> [12] <>
> Recently, in the 9th International Conference "Developments in Economic
> Theory and Policy" held in Bilbao, by the Department of Applied Economics V
> of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and the Cambridge Centre
> for Economic and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy of the
> University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), the concept of Stockholm Syndrome
> was introduced in economics referring to governments that have been
> "kidnapped" by financial capital because of their need to refinance public
> debt. They are coerced into accepting high interest rates and conditions
> that compromise their sovereignty
> .[18]<>
> In politics, the Stockholm Syndrome is the predisposition of a politician
> to feel grateful for harsh criticism from opponents and the public in
> general. In Portugal, the Minister of Finance Vitor
> Gaspar<>spoke on Parliament
> on September 2012, praising the huge street protests
> against his austerity measures, and the amazing dignity of the protesters,
> referring to the protesters as "the best people in the world".
> [19]<>
> Selamet berakhir pekan, berakhir pekan yang selamet.........
> 2012/11/2 <>
>> Sori, Mi, tapi tim-ku merah putih, tim-ku bangsa dan negara Indonesia;
>> jadi aku lebih memilih untuk mempresentasikan ke BPPKA aspek redundancy
>> alias berlebihannya work-program ini yg merupakan pengulangan program
>> serupa yg telah sukses dilakukan oleh geologist nasional kita th lalu dg
>> biaya yang hanya 1/3 dr biaya menyewa geologist expat ini. Dan aku akan
>> menanggung resiko atas kepemihakanku kepada tim-ku tsb.
>> (Jawaban atas bujukan dr salah seorang senior manager "national" ke
>> seorang geologist senior yg kerja di perusahan migas MNC yg dalam
>> Management Meeting tdk setuju atas keputusan management untuk tetap
>> melaksanakan proyek inventarisasi karakter reservoir seluruh blok dari
>> data
>> analog permukaan yg akan dilakukan oleh konsultan bule, 15th yg lalu)
>> #melawan stockholm syndrome#
>> ADB - IAGI 0800
>> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

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