(John McKown) writes:
> I think this is an artifact that the 3270 data stream is really designed to
> be "half duplex", like the old walkie-talkies. Each side tells the other
> that it has control of the transmission. This is especially true in TSO.
> Now, I do remember z/VM's or maybe CMS's control of the 3270 was more "full
> duplex" like.

there was an extremely annoying problem that (half-duplex, real) 3270
keyboard would lock up if you were typing at the sametime some time
there was a screen write.  once there was (software) 3270 terminal
emulation ... on PC ... the software emulation could mask the annoying
half-duplex operation and not lock the keyboard.

in the 70s ... with real 3272 controller & 3277 keyboards ... there was
a hardware hack done to mask the really annoying and frustrating
half-duplex operation You unplug the 3277 keyboard from the 3277 head
and plug in a small (specially built hardware box) fifo and then plug
the keyboard into the FIFO. The FIFO box was able to queue keystrokes
that would happen during any periods that the screen was being written.

With move to 3278/3279 ... lots of the electronics that had previously
been in the 3277 terminal ... were moved backed in 3274 controller ...
and lots of the human factor (hardware) hacks to the 3277 no longer
worked. Fortunately it was still possible to configure 3277 to work with
3274 controller ... so I kept my 3277 until able to replace it with
pc/at & terminal emulation.

Note that ANR (aka 3277) coax protocol had lot higher thruput than DCA
(aka 3278) coax protocol. So even after getting pc/at with software
emulation ... there was still preference for 3277 (ANR) adapter card (so
uploads/downloads ran significantly faster). couple past posts
(including reference to ANR having three times the thruput of DCA): IBM System/3 & 3277-1 Why isn't OMVS command integrated 
with ISPF? What do YOU call the # sign? 3277 terminals and emulators pc/370

there wasn't anything inherent in 3270 that was half-duplex ... it was
the operation of the channel to controller and the controller to the

In the early 80s, STL lab was starting to burst at the seams ... and the
decision was made to move 300 people from the IMS group to offsite
building. They had looked at remote 3270 terminals into the STL lab
vm370/cms development machines (not development for vm370/cms ... but
development for lots of database and MVS products). Remote 3270 terminal
thruput and operational characteristics where deemed totally

It was eventually decided to deploy NSC HYPERChannel ... as "channel
extender" over T1 microwave channel with local 3270 controllers and
local 3270 terminals at the remove site. I got to totally (re)write the
drivers to support HYPERChannel remote operation (another hobby, they
used to joke that I worked 1st shift in bldg. 28, 2nd shift in the disk
labs, 3rd shift in STL ... and weekends/4th shift at HONE datacenter up
the peninsula). I treated it had high speed full-duplex operation
... with HYPERChannel boxes masking a lot of the half-duplex operation
of the 3270 controllers. misc. past posts related to HSDT project,
HYPERChannel boxes &/or supporting the IMS group:

STL had been in the habit of configuring machines with both 3270
controllers and disk controllers on same/all available channels.  With
the HYPERChannel extenders ... not only did the remote IMS group didn't
notice any difference in system response (being at the end of T1
microwave link) ... system thruput actually improved. 3270 controllers
were really slow in lots of ways. Having 3270 controllers on same
channel with disk controllers ... resulted in lots of high channel busy
(not so much data transfer but latency for 3270 controllers handling
control operations) ... resulting in lots of channel contention with
disk controllers. Moving the 3270 controllers directly off the mainframe
channels ... replacing them with HYPERChannel boxes ... which were much
faster and had much lower channel busy for identical 3270 channel
operations ... resulted in increase in disk i/o thruput.

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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