We have an ibm z9 mainframe.  it is configured w/ 6 lpars: 3 test, and 3 
production.  the 3 test lpars all run z/os 1.9.  Two of the production lpars 
are 1.9, the third is still 1.7.  I myself do the ipl-s of the test lpars on an 
ad hoc basis and there is never any problem. The production lpars get a 
therapeutic ipl every sunday night at around 1800, 1900 hours.  With the 1.7 
lpar and one of the 1.9 lpars, again, there is no problem. With all of the 
aforementioned ipl-s, all the operator/I need do is click on the “activate” 
colophon, and the process takes off w/o any (further) issue.

Over the last couple of months, the remaining 1.9 lpar has started giving us 
problems, described as follows:
 the operator, per SOP drains the lpar, goes to the HMC (hardware management 
console) , finds the “activate” colophon for that lpar, selects it, responds to 
the various prompts   …..  and nothing happens.  Before the regular ipl  data 
stream will appear on the System Operator Console, he/she has to do a “reset 
clear” 3 or 4 times, and then another “activate” .  After that, the ipl process 
proceeds w/o any further ado (i.e., successfully).
 This never used to be the case, and these are all qualified, competent, 
experienced operators. The o/s images are all stable – they have not changed in 
at least 6 months (Ím the only one who does the maintenance, so I can vouch for 
that).  Any ideas as to what the problem here might be?  of what to do ?

thanks in advance.

/s/ tuco bonno;
graduate, College of Conflict Management;
University of Southeast Asia;
“I partied on the Ho Chi Minh Trail – tiến lên !! “

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