Mark, we actually tried CP TRACE statement to let an OS/390 2.4 start under Z/VM 5.3 on a Z9 CPU, and it runs.... Provided that (as per our experience): 1 - you don't define more than ONE CP to the virtual machine; 2 - you don't assign more than 512MB of central storage to the virtual machine;
under these assumptions, IPL was completed and all was up and running. Ciao. ..... snip >** Already cross-posted to IBMVM ** > > >Hello all, > >am trying to run (believe it or not) an OS/390 2.4 guest under z/VM 5.3 >(0703) on a CP (z990). > >The usual CP Directory statements are in place, memory is 1G. > >I am getting as far as the first reply request, see below: <snip> >I hope this is not an "architectural" problem.. > It is. You need at least OS/390 2.10 or higher plus the add-on compatibility and/or exploitation support. You can also search the archives. There was a post in April 2006 and from Jim Mulder that suggested that this VM setting might get around the problem, but I don't recall anyone ever reporting that it worked or not: #CP TRACE IPTE RUN NOTERM ... snip _________________________________________________________________________ Paolo Cacciari IBM Italia S.p.A. Business Continuity and Resiliency Services, IBM Global Services - South Region, EMEA Via Darwin 85, 20019 Settimo Milanese(MI) ? Italy - MISET001 IBM Italia S.p.A. Sede Legale: Circonvallazione Idroscalo - 20090 Segrate (MI) Cap. Soc. euro 384.506.359,00 C. F. e Reg. Imprese MI 01442240030 - Partita IVA 10914660153 Società soggetta all?attività di direzione e coordinamento di International Business Machines Corporation (Salvo che sia diversamente indicato sopra / Unless stated otherwise above) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at