> ... they don't seem to have quite as much of a fraud problem as we seem to 
> have. 


That's the point of (EMV) "chip" cards.  They are inherently more secure.  



> ... they don't use 'credit cards' as we know them in Asia. Rather, it is more 
> of a 'smart card' strategy. 


The US is at least 12 years behind Europe, Australia/NZ and parts of Asia in 
deploying chip cards.  




> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 12:00:20 -0600
> From: hmerr...@jackhenry.com
> Subject: Re: Korean bank Moves back to Mainframes (...no, not back)
> To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
> Concur. It would appear that the consumer electronic financial 
> infrastructures 
> are quite different outside of the US. Indeed, ours seems pretty primitive and
> a lot less consumer friendly. More, they don't seem to have quite as much of 
> a fraud problem as we seem to have. 
> I think I read somewhere that they don't use 'credit cards' as we know them 
> in Asia. Rather, it is more of a 'smart card' strategy. 
> Wonder how this works without fees? 

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