Steve.  My suggestions would be: 
1) Get a "driving system" from IBM, I believe it is free. Install it, 
takes only 1 or 2 packs of 3390-9.  Logon and do your serverpac from 
there.  This assumes you have a sandbox lpar.  This is really much less 
hassle than it looks at first.  Really all you are doing is one of the 
options for a first install of zOS. 
2) OR get the most current level of SMP your current system will support 
as a CBPDO.  Install it and then try your "jump to lightspeed" with the 
serverpac.  There will probably be a couple of "gotcha's", but my 
experience is that they can usually be worked around.  Your goal is to IPL 
and logon to your new system.  Once you get there, anything can be worked 

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