As John mentioned, if your tapes are SMS manages then esoterics are not used, 
period.  There is no need whatsoever to have an esoteric device name for SMS 
managed tape devices, they have no effect at all.  If you use UNIT=TAPE, then 
the only component looking at that value is your ACS routines, device 
allocation is not using the UNIT value.

>>> Sebastian Welton <> 3/11/2010 6:23 AM >>>
Currently starting a VTS migration to a B20 and have been doing a lot of
RTFM'ing in preperation but there doesn't seem to be much out there in
regards to the RMM - OAM - z/OS side of things. I have put a rough plan
together, which is looking reasonably good, but it would be nice to see any
documentation (i.e. IBM guides) to clear a few points up and ensure that I'm
actually doing it correctly! 

One area I'm worried up is that we want to keep the same esoteric device
name, i.e. VTS so that we don't have to change all the JCL. Any pointers to
where I should be looking would be most grateful.

Thanks, Seb.

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