Joel C. Ewing pisze:
I finally got around to reading the actual Mainframe Executive article
in question.  The "Publisher's Notes" at the beginning of the issue
repeats the article's quoted statistics in a manner that implies they
relate to mainframe tape, and that fact the "Mainframe" is in the
magazine title implies the article is relevant to mainframes; but if you
read the actual article itself, whenever the author gets specific about
problems in use of tape, (interleaved records from multiple data
streams, managing physical tapes, Microsoft Exchange issues, etc., etc.,
etc.), it becomes increasingly clear he is not talking about IBM
mainframes and and z-architecture, but primarily about Microsoft
platforms and maybe some 'nix platforms.

No doubt the referenced statistics sources make clear they are about
Microsoft platforms, but the author and publisher both neglected to
communicate this, which makes it very misleading for a "mainframe" magazine.

This is neither excuse nor explanation.
Microsoft or UNIX does not imply poor tape technology. I can assure your that LTO4 has significantly lower error ratio than presented in article, and - last but not least - almost every "mainframe tape" can be attached to open system. That inlcude Jaguar (3592), MAGSTAR (3590), 3490E, STK T10000, 9940, 9840 families. Tape reliability does not depend on the platform using it.

The only thrue sentence is: All the mainframe tapes are good and reliable. You cannot attach any poor tape technlogy to the mainframe *directly*. Fine print: you do it indirectly if you really want.

BTW: Presented error stats are overstated even for non-mainframe tapes. LTO is much better, (S)DLT is much better, AIT family is much better, DAT family is horrible, but IMHO still better, Tandberg family (SLR, MLR) is much better, Exabyte was better, QIC is dead for years (born 1972, died 1998). I don't know SONY DTF, DIR, SAIT, so cannot comment it, but I doubt if someone would buy so expensive devices to get so poor quality. No comments on TRAVAN, DITTO, VXA, MAGSTAR MP. What technology was mentioned by author of the article? Where did he find so erroneous devices?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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