The default region size above the line when specifying a size below 16MB is 
32MB.  When you specify a region size greater than 16MB then you are allowed as 
much of the private as is available below the line and whatever you specified 
above the line (assuming there are no exits in place to override this).  

As to the limit, you may be able to type in a number that large (2GB) but you 
are limited to the size of the private area above the line, minus the SWA/LSQA. 
 The private region above the line is limited to 2GB minus the  CSA / MLPA / 
PLPA / SQA / Read/Write Nuc / Read-only Nuc / 16MB (below the line).  

As an example I have one system with an 820MB extended CSA, so the total 
extended common area is 935MB, leaving 1,097MB for the extended private and 
then you have the SWA/LSQA (private area above the line from the top down).

I currently default the region size above the line to 128MB which works in most 
cases.  As to the limit of 2091628 KB you will never be able to specify a 
number close to this as you will require more than 1024KB for the extended 
common area.

I hope this helps.    




-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Erik Janssen
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: TSO region size

Hello List,

We are standardising our default TSO region sizes on 64MB since we start seeing 
more and more problems with programs abending, because people still have 4MB 
region size as a default. 64MB seemed like a reasonable value to solve some of 
the issues and not introduce any new.
Testing the changes I noticed when I log on to TSO the help panel says that the 
maximum possible region size is 2096128. This is 1 MB less than 2 GB, which 
would be 2097152. Can somebody tell me why the max is not exactly 2GB?


Erik Janssen.

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