> >> I think you are mis-interpreting the remarks from by IBM.  "Not 
> >> wanting to diagnose problems caused by" does not mean the object is 
> >> "to protect IBM".   It simply means a desire to not waste resources 
> >> pursuing unique and avoidable problems when those resources could be 
> >> better used to solve real problems for its customers.

  Exactly.  Prior to the checking added in 1993, I had wasted
plenty of time diagnosing various symptoms of downlevel IPL text
failures.  I used "it protects IBM" in my answer simply to 
try to be clever and phrase my answer in the form of the
question (with apologies to Art Fleming and Alex Trebek).

  I am aware that cleverness sometimes backfires in Email.
But this pales in comparison to the time twenty years ago
when I was trying to convince TSO/E service to take an APAR
for a problem I had debugged for the second time, and was 
refused on the grounds that "each APAR costs $30,000".
At the time, this was a silly number that was derived by taking
the total cost of MVS service for some year and dividing by
the number of APARs that year, and then foolishly treating
the quotient as if it had some bearing on the marginal cost
of fixing a particular APAR. So in a memo explaining my
position, I attempted to inject a bit of humor by offering
to donate the source code for the fix (which was only a 
change to one line of code) free of charge to help defray
the $30,000 cost.  And I copied management up to the point
where our organizations merged (3rd line manager). 

  The 3rd line manager manager did not recognize the
humor, and "was so angry she had to cool off for 
ten minutes" before informing my manager that I 
needed some counseling.  So I learned my lesson.
Well, until the next time... 

> Why the heck should IPLTEXT change from release to release?  All it
> has to do is load SYS1.NUCLEUS and transfer to it.  The only change
> that should have been necessary is support of large volumes.

  The devil is in the details.  And there are a lot 
of details.  In general the changes are due to 
things like:

1. I/O architecture support
2. Device support
3. Processor architecture support
4. Functional enhancements
5. Performance enhancements
6. RAS enhancements
7. Bug fixes 
Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

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