John: One warning that hit me. We used to do weekly dump & restore of the HSM cds's.Make sure you make two copies of the backup tape. Either after dump copy to another tape or create 2 copies with the dump.This saved my ass more than once. Tape is not even close to being 100 percent dependable. Back in the 2nd gen it was really bad got better 360 and even better 370 but I think its leveled off. Yes it has gotten faster but a CYA is still a must. We had the dasd space available (it was a gamble) as management would get rid of it and get new in faster than we could keep track of it. We used to use the DASD for large requests and warned the user to not complain if it dissappeared over night. We had no input just a person last on the notification list although it meant a lot of OT to handle the crazy management decisions. I have seen it where management forgot to tell us and it sat there for months on end and suddenly it was pulled and we essentually had nothing to do as it was the same as it came it. I do not think it ever got powered up and attached (I could be wrong on this but I do not think so. Ed
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