I'm off on one of my wild hares again. Or is that "wild hair"? No, my
hair is mostly gone, so it must be hare.

All our "in house" documentation that we in Tech Services write is
basically written "ad hoc" by us using MS Word and kept in a Windows LAN
directory. Being an admitted anti-MS bigot, I really don't much like
this. Not that anybody else cares, of course. I really don't much care
for any "word processing" format for things which, IMO, should be well

So, what do you use? A word processor such as MS Word or Openoffice-org
or maybe LOTUS? Some sort of document markup such as DocBook? typsetting
such TeX? Framemaker? ISPF edit and keep it in a PDS as just plain text?

Just curious. Feel free to ignore the nut in the wings if this is of no

As an aside, I'm looking at DocBook since it appears to be very popular
in Linux (and I'm a penguinista!). I found a nice DocBook editor called
XXE from XMLMind at http://www.xmlmind.com . The personal edition is
good, but restricted as to what you can use it for. Since I'm just using
it for learning, I'm OK. And it can be freely used for documentation
which is part of an OpenSource project. Or when the results are licensed
using "Creative Commons" (the "open source" language for written

What I haven't figured out is one minor thing. How to actually create a
readable document from the DocBook xml file. <grin> But DocBook supposed
to be usable to create UNIX "man" pages, HTML pages, XHTML pages, PDF
files and other outputs. I just can't figure it out. And talk about very
weird error messages!

John McKown
Maranatha! <><

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