John McKown pisze:
I'm off on one of my wild hares again. Or is that "wild hair"? No, my
hair is mostly gone, so it must be hare.

All our "in house" documentation that we in Tech Services write is
basically written "ad hoc" by us using MS Word and kept in a Windows LAN
directory. Being an admitted anti-MS bigot, I really don't much like
this. Not that anybody else cares, of course. I really don't much care
for any "word processing" format for things which, IMO, should be well

So, what do you use? A word processor such as MS Word or Openoffice-org
or maybe LOTUS? Some sort of document markup such as DocBook? typsetting
such TeX? Framemaker? ISPF edit and keep it in a PDS as just plain text?

Just curious. Feel free to ignore the nut in the wings if this is of no

It is interesting. However I think the discussion has deviated to minor issue, because IMHO the tool is minor issue.
What is (IMHO) important:
2. File format. The easier to manage, the more poular - the better. Word can be used to produce DOC, RTF, and (with plugins) PDF format (and even poor HTML). Not bad, especially that some pro or anti M$ bigot could use its own application to open such document.

The winner is:
1. CONTENT. Document content is the most important. You should have in-house templates for the documentation. The simpler, the better. I really hate some templates with thousands tables, TOC's, Primary Pages, etc. Author (last modified), version, date, topic - it all what is needed. The rest of document can also be unnecessarily complicated or not.

My €0.02
Radoslaw Skorupka
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