

This is my analysis of the Attachmate web page - with corrections - and the 
mechanisms to which it refers are described in footnotes:


- It introduces the so-called "keepalive" idea both at the TCP level[1] and the 
application (TN3270) level[2].

- It mentions that both the server *and* the client side can operate 
the "keepalive" function.


The web page fails to expand on mentioning that "both the server *and* the 
client side can operate the "keepalive" function" by stating that both the 
server *and* the client side will need to operate the "keepalive" function for 
the purposes of flushing one end of a TCP connection out of the supporting 
system and freeing resources, the client side in order to flush out the TCP 
connection on the client side and the server side in order to flush out the TCP 
connection on the server side when the TCP connection is broken.

The web page fails to mention that the "keepalive" function truly justifies its 
name only when there are firewalls present.

Another clarification not at all addressed in the web page is the following:

- When the mechanism operates at the level of TCP (the 
more "official" "keepalive") and a failure needs to be assumed, TCP logic 
can go through the processing necessary to flush the control blocks 
supporting the connection instance. It then presents the application with an 
error code through the relevant socket, typically an outstanding "receive"-like 
call, or it stimulates the application to issue a "receive"-like call so that 
error can be presented. ETIMEDOUT is a possible error code.

- When the mechanism operates at the level of the application (the 
less "official" "keepalive") and a failure needs to be assumed, the application 
simply issues a close() call on the affected socket. TCP will then resolve the 
situation according to its usual procedures which can involve giving up on an 
unresponsive peer.


- As noted in the first point, and in the comments above, the web page 
emphasises the possibility to operate a "keepalive" mechanism at the level of 
TCP or the application, TN3270 in this case.

-- It is noted that the z/OS Communications Server IP TN3270E server 
program can invoke a mechanism to check that the TN3270 client continues 
to be able to communicate. This is purely a TN3270 protocol. It is stated that 
there is *no* equivalent mechanism in the Attachmate implementation.

-- It is now noted that the z/OS Communications Server IP component 
provides the formal TCP protocol "keepalive" function and that, presumably, all 
the flavours of Windows on which the Attachmate would be expected to run 
these days - 2000, XP and Vista (no 7!) judging from the Microsoft "knowledge 
base" references, also provide the formal TCP protocol "keepalive" function. 

- Given that the TN3270E server has its own means to operate an equivalent 
of the "keepalive" function, the TN3270E program does not cause the 
TCP "keepalive" mechanism to operate, bearing in mind that, for a "keepalive" 
function to be used for the TCP connections associated with a particular 
application, a sockets API call must be used.

- Since there is no equivalent of the "keepalive" function provided by the 
Attachmate application logic, it is necessary to cause the Windows 
TCP "keepalive" to be invoked.


The so-called "keepalive" function performs two functions these days:

1. It flushes out TCP - and application - control blocks associated with a TCP 
connection which is no longer viable.

- In order to be effective in the server, the server must operate the 

- In order to be effective in the client, the client must operate the mechanism.

In other words the two ends of the TCP connection need to operate 
independently to deal with the case where there has been a failure in the IP 

2. It satisfies the traffic frequency monitoring of a firewall.

In order to be effective for the whole TCP connection, it is necessary *only* 
that either the server *or* the client operate the mechanism. Obviously either 
end of the TCP connection can provide the necessary traffic even if it is 
only "dummy" traffic.

Thus, for example, if is needed only to perform function 2, this task can be 
performed using the mechanism associated with the TIMEMARK statement with 
a suitable value assigned to the SCANINTERVAL statement.


- The rest of the web page explains how to invoke the Windows "keepalive" 
function - and what parameter values to set in order to define how it operates.

- Change KeepAlive=No to KeepAlive=Yes in the [Connections] section of the 
Attachmate EDP text file.

- Although it is rather unlikely, if the default values for the relevant 
parameters are satisfactory, changing the Attachmate parameter is all that 
needs to be done.

- Edit the Windows Registry to adjust the following two (Vista) or three (2000 
or XP) parameters as necessary:

-- KeepAliveTime, default 7,200,000 milliseconds (2 hours)

-- KeepAliveInterval, default 1000 milliseconds (1 second)

-- TcpMaxRetransmissions, default 5


Yes, it's confusing, isn't it? The Communications Server IP TCPCONFIG 
statement INTERVAL parameter is equivalent to the KeepAliveTime, not the 
KeepAliveInteval! Ho-hum, IBM and Microsoft at odds for the umpteenth time!

Contrary to the Wikipedia article supposedly on this topic - which is mainly 
oriented to describing an application "keepalive" for HTTP - and this 
Attachmate web page, in the case of Windows Vista, the 
TcpMaxDataRetransmissions parameter is *not* used as a number of 
retransmissions for the "keepalive" packets. In the case of Windows Vista, the 
number of retransmissions for the "keepalive" packets is a constant 10. 
The "knowledge base" reference provided so kindly on the Attachmate web 
page can be consulted for confirmation.



Chris Mason


[1] TCP level keepalive

Request for Comments: 1122
October 1989

Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers

4.2.3  SPECIFIC ISSUES  TCP Keep-Alives

Implementors MAY include "keep-alives" in their TCP implementations, although 
this practice is not universally accepted. If keep-alives are included, the 
application MUST be able to turn them on or off for each TCP connection, and 
they MUST default to off.

Keep-alive packets MUST only be sent when no data or acknowledgement 
packets have been received for the connection within an interval. This interval 
MUST be configurable and MUST default to no less than two hours.

It is extremely important to remember that ACK segments that contain no 
data are not reliably transmitted by TCP. Consequently, if a keep-alive 
mechanism is implemented it MUST NOT interpret failure to respond to any 
specific probe as a dead connection.

An implementation SHOULD send a keep-alive segment with no data; however, 
it MAY be configurable to send a keep-alive segment containing one garbage 
octet, for compatibility with erroneous TCP implementations.


A "keep-alive" mechanism periodically probes the other end of a connection 
when the connection is otherwise idle, even when there is no data to be sent. 
The TCP specification does not include a keep-alive mechanism because it 

(1) cause perfectly good connections to break during transient Internet 

(2) consume unnecessary bandwidth ("if no one is using the connection, who 
cares if it is still good?"); and

(3) cost money for an Internet path that charges for packets.

Some TCP implementations, however, have included a keep-alive mechanism. 
To confirm that an idle connection is still active, these implementations send 
probe segment designed to elicit a response from the peer TCP. Such a 
segment generally contains SEG.SEQ = SND.NXT-1 and may or may not 
contain one garbage octet of data. Note that on a quiet connection SND.NXT 
= RCV.NXT, so that this SEG.SEQ will be outside the window. Therefore, the 
probe causes the receiver to return an acknowledgment segment, confirming 
that the connection is still live. If the peer has dropped the connection due 
a network partition or a crash, it will respond with a RST instead of an 
acknowledgment segment.

Unfortunately, some misbehaved TCP implementations fail to respond to a 
segment with SEG.SEQ = SND.NXT-1 unless the segment contains data. 
Alternatively, an implementation could determine whether a peer responded 
correctly to keep-alive packets with no garbage data octet.

A TCP keep-alive mechanism should only be invoked in server applications that 
might otherwise hang indefinitely and consume resources unnecessarily if a 
client crashes or aborts a connection during a network failure.


[2] TN3270E keepalive

Request for Comments: 2355
June 1998

TN3270 Enhancements

13.  Implementation Guidelines

13.3 A "Keep-alive" Mechanism

In many environments, it is very helpful to have in place a mechanism that 
allows timely notification of the loss of a 3270 session. TN3270E does not 
require that any form of keep-alive mechanism be employed by either clients 
or servers, but implementors wishing to support such a mechanism should 
consider the following guidelines.

There are at least three possible means of providing a keep-alive mechanism in 
TN3270E: the TCP Keepalive, the Telnet IAC NOP command [8], and the 
Telnet DO TIMING-MARK option [9]. Each method has its advantages and 
disadvantages. It is recommended that TN3270E clients and servers that 
support keep-alives should support all three methods, and that both sides 
should always respond to TIMING-MARKs.

Note that both clients and servers could be configured to "actively" implement 
keep-alives. That is, both sides could send a TIMING-MARK or a NOP or issue 
a TCP Keepalive in order to determine whether or not the partner is still 
Alternatively, network administrators may wish to configure only one side to 
send keep-alives; in this case, the other side would be a "passive" participant 
which simply responds to the keep-alives it receives.

Implementors who want their code to be capable of being an "active" keep-
alive participant should make their client or server configurable so that 
administrators can set which, if any, keep-alive mechanism should be 
employed, and how often it should be used.

Upon failure of a session on which keep-alives are used, both parties should 
make the proper notifications. A client should give the user some indication of 
the failure, such as an error code in the Operator Information Area of the 
screen. A server should notify the host application that the session has been 
terminated, for example by sending an UNBIND with type CLEANUP in an SNA 


On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:58:57 -0500, George Rodriguez 
<> wrote:

>Good Morning Chris,
>Here's the link to the Attachmate tech-note:
> ...
>I appreciate everyone's help on this issue. Chris, after you the the
>tech-note from Attachmate, let me know if you think I'm not going resolve my
>timeout problem...
>Thanks. . .
>*George Rodriguez*

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