>Am I supposed to infer from this discussion that SMF timestamps are recorded
in local time, as opposed to UTC?

It depends on the record/vendor, as Dr. Barry stated.

>What century is this, anyway?  I thought it had long been generally believed 
>that critical timestamps should be recorded in UTC.

Records/programmes have to be re-engineered to accomplish that.
Also, users depending on the existing formats wll be affected.
Again, it's the old compatibility issues.

I remember, back in the early 1980's, when IBM changed the format of the RMF 
Type74's (Device Activity) to a collapsed linked list, with the introduction of 
the 3380.

MICS & MXG weren't available yet; I had to completely re-write the extract 
programme, from scratch -- the only thing that had not changed was the standard 
18-byte header.

And, NO, they didn't convert it to UTC.

Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

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