Thanks. I will follow the steps provided by you and keep you updated with
my progress./


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Lizette Koehler <>wrote:

> Have you followed the Installation process.
> From the V5R3 manual  Tivoli NetView for z/OS, Version 5.3 (Revised
> September 2008)
> Member PROGxx contains the names of program libraries that you want the
> system to concatenate to SYS1.LINKLIB and libraries that you want to define
> as authorized with the Authorized Program Facility (APF). Use PROGxx
> instead
> of using both LNKLSTxx (to concatenate program libraries to SYS1.LINKLIB)
> and IEAAPFxx (to authorize program libraries to APF).
> If you are using the LNKLST concatenation instead of a STEPLIB DD statement
> in your NetViewR startup procedure, update your PROGxx member in the
> SYS1.PARMLIB data set to include the following program libraries as
> extensions to the SYS1.LINKLIB data set:
> The SCNMLNKN data set is used for RODM trace, MVST command exit, and
> DSIPHONE. It is not referenced in the NetView program samples.
> The following libraries must be authorized with the Authorized Program
> Facility (APF). To be authorized, a library's name and volume ID must be in
> the list of authorized libraries in the PROGxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
>   1. If these are not already authorized, authorize all the libraries from
> the //STEPLIB, //VTAMLIB, and //NCPLOAD concatenations in your VTAMR start
> procedure. The VTAM start procedure, CNMSJ008 (CNMNET), in
> NETVIEW.V5R3M0.CNMSAMP is the default member shipped with the NetView
> program.
>   2. Authorize all the libraries from the //STEPLIB concatenation in the
> following procedures:
>          * The NetView start procedure, CNMSJ009 (CNMPROC), in
>          * The NetView procedure to start the subsystem interface (SSI)
> address space, CNMSJ010 (CNMPSSI), in NETVIEW.V5R3M0.CNMSAMP
>          * The RODM start procedure, EKGXRODM, in NETVIEW.V5R3M0.CNMSAMP
>          * The GMFHS start procedure, CNMSJH10 (CNMGMFHS), in
>          * The Event/Automation Service (E/AS) start procedure, IHSAEVNT,
>   3. Authorize the following NetView libraries:
>          * NETVIEW.V5R3M0.SCNMLNK1
>          * NETVIEW.V5R3M0.SCNMLPA1
>          * NETVIEW.V5R3M0.CNMLINK
>          * NETVIEW.V5R3M0.SCNMLNKN
>          * NETVIEW.V5R3M0.SCNMUXLK (if you are using E/AS services)
>   4. If you are installing the NetView V5R3 Japanese program, authorize the
> SCNMMJPN data set. This data set is listed in the //STEPLIB concatenation
> of
>   5. Add the SEAGLPA data set (REXX/370 library) or the SEAGALT data set
> (REXXT alternate library) to the list of APF-authorized libraries. For
> information on which data set to use, see the comments in the NetView start
> procedure, CNMPROC.
>   6. If you plan to use the Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise Management
> Agent, authorize the following additional libraries:
>          * RKANMOD
>          * RKANMODL
>          * RKANMODU
>          * Any runtime libraries that are concatenated in the STEPLIB
> DDNAME and in the RKANMODL DDNAME of the CANSNA and CANSDSST started tasks
> If you specify an unauthorized library on a STEPLIB or concatenate
> unauthorized libraries with authorized libraries, all libraries are treated
> as if they are unauthorized.
> To add the NetView libraries to the list of APF-authorized libraries
> without
> requiring an MVS system restart, follow these steps:
>   1. Enable dynamic APF changes. To do this, issue the following MVS
> command:
>   2. Add each NetView library to the list of APF-authorized libraries. To
> do this, issue the following MVS command for each NetView library that you
> want to add:
>      SETPROG APF,ADD,DSNAME=dsname,VOLUME=volser
> If you plan to use the CNMSMF3E sample as an IEFACTRT exit routine, add the
> CNMSMF3E exit, for example:
> If you want information about...        Refer to...
> APF authorization       z/OSR library
> Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise Management Agent     IBM Tivoli NetView
> for z/OS Installation: Configuring the Tivoli NetView for z/OS Enterprise
> Agents
> CNMSMF3E sample         IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation:
> Configuring Additional Components
> You need to have all of the libraries that are documented above apf
> authorized, and in the LINKLST and LPALST as documented.
> Lizette
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Thanks & Regards
Saurabh Khandelwal

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