Amen brothers and sisters of the Mainframe Church .....hes sounds like quack 
quack to me

Scott J Ford
Software Engineer

 From: "Pommier, Rex R." <>
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:50 AM
Subject: Kerneels ( was RE: It's feeding time in Jurassic Park . . .)

I think you hit the nail squarely on the head here.  Kerneels De Wet sure looks 
like, sounds like, smells like, and walks like the duck that used to go by the 
name Anton Britz.  And they both hated Fox channel with a passion, and both 
bring their hatred into completely unrelated topics (like IBM-main discussions 
on zBX).

Looks like another outlook rule to send e-mails directly to the trash...


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Jousma, David
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: It's feeding time in Jurassic Park . . .

Anton Britt software consultants perhaps?

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Tom Marchant
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: It's feeding time in Jurassic Park . . .

On Fri, 4 May 2012 14:12:48 -0500, Kerneels de Wet wrote:

>No disrespect but this looks a little like....

I disagree.  This post and your later one are quite disrespectful.
This is a technical forum with which you may be unfamiliar.
AFAICT, you have posted exactly twice to IBM-MAIN, both of them in this thread 
with no apparent purpose than to attack George.

George is a familiar name here.  While I do not recall any of the previous 
threads with which he was involved or the level of his involvement, he has 
started an interesting and worthwhile discussion.  You, on the other hand have 
contributed nothing.  Rather, you have detracted from this forum.

>b) You use a nameless email account....

PKB.  You use a nameless email account with no identifying information.  Of 
course, to do so is your right, but why do you make an issue of it?  
ABSOFTWARECONSULTANTS.COM is an empty web site, apparently registered with 
ICANN anonymously four years ago.

>c) The SHARE grease monkeys immediately respond

More insults.  Apparently you don't have a clue what SHARE is.  I would suggest 
that you refrain from posting until you learn some basic netiquette.

Tom Marchant

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