
I'm glad other, sharper "problem vultures" have spotted the two - so far -
flaws in the original code. But the matter here is whether  issuing a WAIT
in a CICS transaction at all is "a good thing" or not.

In the old days, the early seventies when I first came across CICS, issuing
a WAIT in a CICS transaction would have been suicide for CICS. This is
because it relied upon the famous "multiple wait" to schedule all
transactions under one operating system task, a construction all who had
struggled with BTAM programming had had to learn the hard way (for disk
access you could fudge it and claim it was fast enough anyhow not to bother
joining the "multiple wait"). What the situation is lately - which, in my
terms with regard to CICS, is from the early eighties to now - I have very
little idea.

Again, thinking about those early days of CICS, having to delay within a
transaction would have meant splitting the transaction into two at the point
of the delay and then arranging to schedule the second part using some CICS
function I really can't recall now. It's just the principle that remains
burned in my memory.

Chris Mason

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Finnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.ibm-main
Sent: Saturday, 25 March, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: CICS down after transaction exec wait macro.

> In a message dated 3/25/2006 10:36:03 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> Isn't  WAITing in a CICS transaction frowned upon?
> >>
> Strictly verbotten in every shop I've ever been in, but there  are always
> exceptions.

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