I worked for a short time with SPIFFY and it was pure pain. Once I figured out how to get rid of it I never looked back. But to each his own I have seen several so called productivity enhancers for ISPF and I found all of them a pain to use. Yes I am spoiled ISPF user and I don't use probably more that 15 percent of ISPF functions the other 85 percent (IMO) is not all that useful. Yes I have written some dialogs over the years and have stumbled around trying to do so. Give me raw ISPF as delivered from IBM and I am a happy camper.

I found Spiffy to be much less intuitive than SimpList, and I was never
comfortable with the fact that Spiffy hijacks a lot of ISPF functions and
replaces them with its own.  SimpList doesn't do that.  It's there if you
need it, but you can ignore it if you wish; it is just another ISPF
application (although an *excellent* one indeed).
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