Hmm, I took your example job and added a step inbetween your two and put the job to sleep for 30 seconds.
The SYSTSPRT output looked like this: READY FREE DD(SYSUT1) READY FREE DD(SYSUT1) IKJ56247I FILE SYSUT1 NOT FREED, IS NOT ALLOCATED READY END Going to sleep for 30 seconds 14:05:52.270727 14:06:22.280007 READY END READY FREE DD(SYSUT1) READY FREE DD(SYSUT1) IKJ56247I FILE SYSUT1 NOT FREED, IS NOT ALLOCATED READY END But for that 30 seconds, I was unable to edit the SYSUT1 data set - "Data set in use". The ISPF Data Set Contention panel showed my batch job "owns data set exclusively." Greg Shirey Ben E. Keith Company -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 1:49 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: Why is there JOB scope for DSN ENQ's anyway? Apparently the initiator is up to the task, easy or difficult. The JCL fragment: //* //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSUT1 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=FOO.BAR, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=TSO001 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=(,) //SYSTSIN DD * free dd(sysut1) free dd(sysut1) //* //STEP2 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSUT1 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=FOO.BAR, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=TSO001 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=(,) //SYSTSIN DD * free dd(sysut1) free dd(sysut1) //* produces SYSTSPRT from STEP1 READY free dd(sysut1) READY free dd(sysut1) IKJ56247I FILE SYSUT1 NOT FREED, IS NOT ALLOCATED READY END ... and SYSTSPRT from STEP2 READY free dd(sysut1) READY free dd(sysut1) IKJ56247I FILE SYSUT1 NOT FREED, IS NOT ALLOCATED READY END ... so even though FOO.BAR was FREEd in STEP1, the initiator was able to allocate it again in STEP2. I hope this was not done without an ENQ. Whatever technique the initiator used here, it could use the same technique to differentiate an EXC from A SHR ENQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at